Chemical contents:
Garlic contains a compound known as Allenz (Allins), which is a Alkyl Cysteine Slfoxayd (Alkylcystine Sulfoxides) When you cut or mashed garlic cloves turn this compound to another compound is Alecesn (Allicine) which is known as Dai Llael Dai sulfide Mono S Okseid (diallul- disylphide-mono-s-oxide), garlic, dry it and then re-wet in water, it contains the oil consists of compounds known as Vinul dithiins. Ajoens.Oligosulfides Garlic also contains several articles on Altskr (Polysaccharides) materials and soap (Sapnins). It also contains protein, fat and mineral salts and vitamins A, B, C, E.
Benefits of modern medical
We have proved the world to Louis Pasteur, the great French chemist in the nineteenth century contain the antiseptic properties of garlic have benefited the British and German and Russian of these properties during World Wars I and II. Since then, several studies confirmed that garlic is effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.
The scientists began in recent years to study garlic extensively where he published 500 articles in scientific journals and medical on the preventive effects of garlic since the mid-eighties has focused research on the effect of garlic on blood cholesterol and pressure as well as platelets, which are Almtaktherat blood and therefore reduce the risk of heart attack and strokes.
Research also suggests that the current Garlic contains anti-cancer properties, where it became clear that garlic reduces the risk of colon cancer. The study concluded on experimental animals that garlic helps to reduce the cancer cells of breast cancer, skin and lungs as well as it protects against cancer of the colon and esophagus.
As demonstrated by the studies carried out in Germany, Japan and the United States of America to garlic antibiotic. The medical doctor Professor "Hanzerdietr" German has been confirmed that garlic purifies the blood of cholesterol and fatty substances, and it kills germs that cause tuberculosis, diphtheria, and in some cases was more effective than penicillin and Alstervtomaysn and some other antibiotics.
According to the result of research conducted by scientists Ross that fumes from garlic, peeled or section is enough to kill many germs without the need to touch the garlic, and saw that the bacteria dysentery, diphtheria and tuberculosis die after exposure to steam the garlic or onion for five minutes. The chewing garlic for three minutes kills bacteria accumulated in the tonsils of diphtheria. Has been a scientific study on the garlic, onions, Faculty of Pharmacy - King Saud University - the bacteria that live in the human mouth and cause tooth decay have been reported by the study that garlic spent on all types of bacteria in the mouth while he spent the onion two-thirds of the bacteria was published in the Journal of Alvaitoterbaia German.
Garlic is also of antibiotics, which actually can kill infectious microbes at the same time working to protect the body from the toxins that caused the infection.
And garlic is used as a disinfectant of the gut microbial and stop diarrhea has been proven recently that the oil and garlic Asarth have a fatal effect on many of the germs that infect the intestines and cause diarrhea in this area which is more powerful than many antibiotics. As possible the use of garlic to stop anally dysentery and intestinal antiseptic to remove. The laxative that garlic is good for the gut. Garlic is also used for the treatment of typhoid and cleanse the intestines of worms as the preparation of garlic under the name of medicine (Onerol) in the form of capsules.
Cough and asthma:
Garlic is used to treat coughs, asthma, whooping cough syrup it is taken as a component of garlic juice spoon + two tablespoons of molasses or honey to add three cloves of garlic, taken once on the water. In the case of whooping cough can give the child of 10-12 points from garlic juice with orange juice every four hours. Garlic is used as a disinfectant for wounds and many skin diseases has proven to be used for the treatment of vitiligo, alopecia as well as the type of white view of the garlic from the property of killing germs. As well as fungal infections.
Has clinical study on 42 patients with high cholesterol blood pressure and sugar was given every one of them doses of garlic powder by 900 mg daily for a period of twelve weeks was reduced cholesterol and blood pressure and diabetes dramatically and subsequently made several preparations of garlic mediated by large companies. We have proved the German Constitution that garlic therapy is used against high cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure as well as against atherosclerosis.
Cancer 1:
Clear from the experiments conducted on laboratory animals that garlic prevents the occurrence of all types of cancers such as cancer of the liver, colon, breast and prostate.
There are a lot of information published about the relationship of garlic cancer has been found that a substance called Daelel Daislved (Diallyl Disulphide), which consists in cutting or grinding the garlic when it is injected into the cancer cells, these tumors smaller in size by half. And there are also other material component of garlic prevent breast cancer by preventing cancer cells from breast cells, its union and because of that garlic strengthens the body's immunity, which is considered an important factor in the eradication of cancer and this article is therapeutic and preventive against cancer.
2 Cholesterol:
There are 12 studies have been published around the world confirm that garlic in all its forms could reduce cholesterol in 4 weeks. We conducted a study in Germany on a group of people were given half of garlic pills and the other half a placebo after 12 weeks and found that the level of cholesterol decreased by 12% and 17% Altrajlsered in people who took garlic pills than those who did not eat garlic.
3 garlic and viruses:
Garlic is a killer virus causing the cold, cold, and eating garlic when you start feeling pain throat prevent throat infections and colds. It is believed that garlic increases the body's immune cells against pathogens.
4 garlic and pregnancy:
Recent research has shown that eating garlic during pregnancy to prevent pre-eclampsia and also help the growth of the fetus in cases associated with fetal growth during late stages of pregnancy.
5 garlic babies and children (infants):
Found even infants prefer garlic where it appeared that the mother breast-feeding experience dealing with garlic, this works to keep the child longer on the chest of the mother and thus deals with a larger amount of milk.
6 garlic and blood pressure:
Has been proved that Article Alolsin and Aloguin (allicin, ajoene) in garlic work to reduce high blood pressure, prevent hardening of the arteries.
7 garlic and mushrooms:
It was found that some substances found garlic is an antidote to some of the fungi and prevent the growth Kalkndida, and Alasbergolas (Aspergillus niger) (candida alb: caus).
Therefore, the medical studies confirm that people who eat garlic in the fall to have stomach cancer and blood fats also have a lower risk of heart disease.
But it is important not to consumption of fresh garlic because that would lead to harm to the digestive system, garlic is cooked or prepared in edible oils of the best ways to get benefits.
The usefulness of garlic due to the presence of (ajoenes albici dithiins).
Which of the following benefits:
Their effect on blood platelets.
Impact on the anti-tumor.
Impact on the fungi.
Impact on the heart and reduce the incidence of heart disease.
Save Garlic:
You must save the garlic in a cool, dry well ventilated, Thi is not recommended to save it in the refrigerator or frozen in order not to lose benefits.
Almipalthom views .. Benefits greater than can be enumerated
D. Khaled civil
Has been to identify some of the health benefits of garlic for centuries .. Garlic has appeared in modern times as a natural product in various places of the world from Europe to the Far East. Recent research confirms a positive outcome for the health benefits of garlic where it was found that supports the natural functions of the body and the immune system. Also gives vital assistance to maintain health, especially in advanced age.
The garlic is counter to the influence of the updated cancer (carcinogens), also helps in preventing many from heart disease and regulates heart rate and lowers blood cholesterol and lowers high blood pressure and increases the fluidity of blood and reduces the likelihood of blood clot, and activates the blood circulation and prevents cooler parties and reduce the pain of rheumatic and purify intestine and is useful in the treatment of constipation and bloating, as well as the prevention of symptoms of colds, cold and cough. garlic as an antidote for Cancer: Cancer is a group of diseases. Some symptoms may appear after many years, others after a few months or years. It also can cure or control some types of cancer, treatment may be difficult in some of the other. However, all types of cancer are similar in that they arise from healthy cells lose control of the growth, reproduction, and turn into cancer cells. This Several studies have shown an inverse relationship between garlic intake and mortality from cancer, especially cancer of the stomach and colon.
These studies have shown the comparison between the intake of garlic and the number of deaths from cancer. In two separate studies in China, one of the governorates that suffer from a significant increase in the rate of death from stomach cancer found a lower incidence of stomach cancer to ten times higher in those who ate garlic routinely for those who do not eat, and in another study in the United States of America found that increasing intake of garlic reduces the the risk of colon cancer. These statistical studies led to laboratory studies on experimental animals where it appears higher doses of the compounds of garlic significant reduction in the incidence of breast cancer, colon, esophagus and other cancers as a result of exposure in experimental animals to chemical carcinogens. Garlic as anti-microbial: Garlic has been known for a long time ability to control the growth of microbes sum up the garlic with the activity of anti-bacteria and fungi. Garlic has been used out of date before the discovery of antibiotics in the treatment of infections of the people and the trachea, and was used diluted garlic juice to purify and clean the wounds. Was now used as a disinfectant for the intestines, where eating reduces the activity of bacteria in cases of diarrhea and bloating.
Garlic Kmkhvd cholesterol: Some studies have shown that eating garlic lowers cholesterol low-density (bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol in the blood. It is known that most heart disease and hardening of blood vessels including artery, where the artery loses its elasticity natural result of accumulation of cholesterol and fat on the inner wall of the artery. When increasing the accumulated amounts of these substances on the inner wall of the artery that may lead to partial deprivation of blood flow. Thereby depriving the member or part fueled by this artery from the get enough blood needed to transport food and oxygen. Garlic over blood thinners: Garlic inhibits the clotting of blood.
The material was extracted from garlic called Lagoon Ajoene have an impact, anti-clotting platelets, which may protect against blood clots. May result in narrow areas along the arterial blockage in one artery as a result of decline of a blood clot, thereby depriving the total flow of blood from the infected area, to the member who feeds it. Garlic as an antioxidant: The garlic-rich foods selenium is known that selenium has an antioxidant effect in this contributing to some biochemical reactions that protect cells from certain diseases, also helps selenium in the growth of cells. With Eating garlic may protect against some diseases of the heart and blood vessels and cancer, but can not be used as a remedy in cases of disease without consulting a doctor as these conditions need to review the physician to diagnose the disease, accurate diagnosis and identification of systematized treatment before the outbreak.
Garlic paste:
This putty is useful for all types of cold. Cold and illness. Increases in the can afford.And heated kidneys. Benefit in the distillation of urine. And itching to go. Filtered color. Strengthens the mind. Increases the clarity of the eye. Purifies the sputum.Goes the old El-Assal. And go forgotten. And increases in the conservation and intelligent mind.
Take the garlic and peel and pour it cow's milk until filling and place it on a soft fire: such as the honey until it becomes rigid. And then moves Tharika well down from the Alynar then take three parts of dry ginger and saffron and a half part and Simbel and Pepper, and Dar Chinese and cloves and Besbes. Crushes everyone and thrown on the honey until mixed. Then put on the cooked garlic. Tharika and stir well. Used this recipe for the treatment of one of the diseases and illnesses mentioned eaten on an empty stomach at bedtime and the amount of grain walnut. It is good and wholesome said. After that, it can get rid of garlic smell repulsive to drink a spoonful of honey bees, or chewing grains of coffee or cumin or anise sticks or parsley.
And should not eat more garlic, which leads to excessive eating of high or low blood pressure adjusted for normal (120/80 mm Hg)
And affect the smell of garlic on the nursing mother, and show the smell of garlic in the milk would not admit it baby
The extra dose of garlic harm pregnant women, and lead to irritation of the stomach and digestive system. And those who prefer to suffer from the problems of the digestive system to use garlic or garlic cooked product is medically "capsules", containing garlic extract after removal of irritating them.
In another article from a newspaper Riyadh: It is reported by Dr. Hassan said that the most powerful analytical studies and accurate are those conducted by researchers at the University of Exeter in the UK and published in 2000 in the journal "Bulletin of Internal Medicine," as Dr. "Butler" and "Dr." Astevens "They ate the whole research on the role of garlic in lowering cholesterol, and found thirty-nine study, did not meet the Twenty-six of them study the conditions necessary to be classified as case studies, considering the results.
Dr. publication "Ackermann" from the University of Texas discussed the statistical analysis in the journal "Archives of Internal Medicine" in 2001 and included forty-five in search, in which he stressed that the use of garlic for a month or three months, reduce cholesterol by 4%.
But if taken long term to six months or more it loses its effect on lowering cholesterol, and added that there is no benefit to the garlic in reducing sugar and little use of garlic in reducing blood pressure and after analysis of these studies are available.
In view of something else, but a number of people who were on these studies on garlic and cholesterol, we find that it does not exceed a few thousand and compares this number with the number of people surveyed by one of antihypertensive medications for cholesterol Kallaptor which arrived today, four hundred statistical study on the use of only find that number up to eighty thousand people, which imposes a kind of careful in the advice in the use of garlic as Kkhavd cholesterol-not to mention the replacement of garlic these medications studied.
Also note that in the beginning of the nineties was said that garlic lowers cholesterol by 9%, and then in 2000 by 6%, and in 2001 by 4%, reflecting greater accuracy in the results of research conducted recently, far from the sensationalism the media about the benefits of treatments plants and herbs, which tackles some of the feelings about the usefulness of this or that plant or grass that is on the basis of fruit.
Bodies, the World Medical:
Guidance says the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiologists in published in 1999: The current evidence does not refer to medical benefit of garlic Kkhavd Khafez of cholesterol or blood pressure. And she confirmed this newly published in 2003 that the garlic is still material that is not recommended use in the treatment of Artaf cholesterol or high blood pressure.
Indicates the final report of the advisory body in the program, the U.S. National cholesterol in the Bulletin in 2002 - third report: - The Commission does not recommend the use of plants such as garlic in the treatment of the causes of coronary heart disease such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure because the studies in support of the advice is not available.
Important considerations: It is already clear to the reader several things decent, despite the brevity of the display:
1 - Recent studies suggest lower rates than indicated by older studies about the ability of garlic to lower cholesterol.
2 - The prestigious studies on garlic have included a small number of people compared to studies on other drugs.
3 - the maximum benefit mentioned in studies of garlic, which, if we handed over the accuracy of the controversy is to reduce the rate of cholesterol is much lower than the simplest means of treatment, but a diet.
4 - Statistical analysis studies indicate the dwindling influence of garlic on the rate of decrease of cholesterol the greater the duration of use.
After that, the medical advice provided by the patient must be based on sound scientific information, and documented experience and medical studies, and adopted by the bodies of the World Medical treatment as guidance. Must therefore be careful in advising the use of garlic by doctors, pharmacists and nutritionists, and primarily by the herbalist and plants, and may come other studies with the days to prove the effectiveness of garlic or other plants or herbs, but the reality of the scientific research today is not advisable to use garlic in the treatment of pathogens arteries of the heart.
* The heart of the senior consultant - Prince Sultan Center for Heart
Chemical contents:
Garlic contains a compound known as Allenz (Allins), which is a Alkyl Cysteine Slfoxayd (Alkylcystine Sulfoxides) When you cut or mashed garlic cloves turn this compound to another compound is Alecesn (Allicine) which is known as Dai Llael Dai sulfide Mono S Okseid (diallul- disylphide-mono-s-oxide), garlic, dry it and then re-wet in water, it contains the oil consists of compounds known as Vinul dithiins. Ajoens.Oligosulfides Garlic also contains several articles on Altskr (Polysaccharides) materials and soap (Sapnins). It also contains protein, fat and mineral salts and vitamins A, B, C, E.
Benefits of modern medical
We have proved the world to Louis Pasteur, the great French chemist in the nineteenth century contain the antiseptic properties of garlic have benefited the British and German and Russian of these properties during World Wars I and II. Since then, several studies confirmed that garlic is effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.
The scientists began in recent years to study garlic extensively where he published 500 articles in scientific journals and medical on the preventive effects of garlic since the mid-eighties has focused research on the effect of garlic on blood cholesterol and pressure as well as platelets, which are Almtaktherat blood and therefore reduce the risk of heart attack and strokes.
Research also suggests that the current Garlic contains anti-cancer properties, where it became clear that garlic reduces the risk of colon cancer. The study concluded on experimental animals that garlic helps to reduce the cancer cells of breast cancer, skin and lungs as well as it protects against cancer of the colon and esophagus.
As demonstrated by the studies carried out in Germany, Japan and the United States of America to garlic antibiotic. The medical doctor Professor "Hanzerdietr" German has been confirmed that garlic purifies the blood of cholesterol and fatty substances, and it kills germs that cause tuberculosis, diphtheria, and in some cases was more effective than penicillin and Alstervtomaysn and some other antibiotics.
According to the result of research conducted by scientists Ross that fumes from garlic, peeled or section is enough to kill many germs without the need to touch the garlic, and saw that the bacteria dysentery, diphtheria and tuberculosis die after exposure to steam the garlic or onion for five minutes. The chewing garlic for three minutes kills bacteria accumulated in the tonsils of diphtheria. Has been a scientific study on the garlic, onions, Faculty of Pharmacy - King Saud University - the bacteria that live in the human mouth and cause tooth decay have been reported by the study that garlic spent on all types of bacteria in the mouth while he spent the onion two-thirds of the bacteria was published in the Journal of Alvaitoterbaia German.
Garlic is also of antibiotics, which actually can kill infectious microbes at the same time working to protect the body from the toxins that caused the infection.
And garlic is used as a disinfectant of the gut microbial and stop diarrhea has been proven recently that the oil and garlic Asarth have a fatal effect on many of the germs that infect the intestines and cause diarrhea in this area which is more powerful than many antibiotics. As possible the use of garlic to stop anally dysentery and intestinal antiseptic to remove. The laxative that garlic is good for the gut. Garlic is also used for the treatment of typhoid and cleanse the intestines of worms as the preparation of garlic under the name of medicine (Onerol) in the form of capsules.
Cough and asthma:
Garlic is used to treat coughs, asthma, whooping cough syrup it is taken as a component of garlic juice spoon + two tablespoons of molasses or honey to add three cloves of garlic, taken once on the water. In the case of whooping cough can give the child of 10-12 points from garlic juice with orange juice every four hours. Garlic is used as a disinfectant for wounds and many skin diseases has proven to be used for the treatment of vitiligo, alopecia as well as the type of white view of the garlic from the property of killing germs. As well as fungal infections.
Has clinical study on 42 patients with high cholesterol blood pressure and sugar was given every one of them doses of garlic powder by 900 mg daily for a period of twelve weeks was reduced cholesterol and blood pressure and diabetes dramatically and subsequently made several preparations of garlic mediated by large companies. We have proved the German Constitution that garlic therapy is used against high cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure as well as against atherosclerosis.
Cancer 1:
Clear from the experiments conducted on laboratory animals that garlic prevents the occurrence of all types of cancers such as cancer of the liver, colon, breast and prostate.
There are a lot of information published about the relationship of garlic cancer has been found that a substance called Daelel Daislved (Diallyl Disulphide), which consists in cutting or grinding the garlic when it is injected into the cancer cells, these tumors smaller in size by half. And there are also other material component of garlic prevent breast cancer by preventing cancer cells from breast cells, its union and because of that garlic strengthens the body's immunity, which is considered an important factor in the eradication of cancer and this article is therapeutic and preventive against cancer.
2 Cholesterol:
There are 12 studies have been published around the world confirm that garlic in all its forms could reduce cholesterol in 4 weeks. We conducted a study in Germany on a group of people were given half of garlic pills and the other half a placebo after 12 weeks and found that the level of cholesterol decreased by 12% and 17% Altrajlsered in people who took garlic pills than those who did not eat garlic.
3 garlic and viruses:
Garlic is a killer virus causing the cold, cold, and eating garlic when you start feeling pain throat prevent throat infections and colds. It is believed that garlic increases the body's immune cells against pathogens.
4 garlic and pregnancy:
Recent research has shown that eating garlic during pregnancy to prevent pre-eclampsia and also help the growth of the fetus in cases associated with fetal growth during late stages of pregnancy.
5 garlic babies and children (infants):
Found even infants prefer garlic where it appeared that the mother breast-feeding experience dealing with garlic, this works to keep the child longer on the chest of the mother and thus deals with a larger amount of milk.
6 garlic and blood pressure:
Has been proved that Article Alolsin and Aloguin (allicin, ajoene) in garlic work to reduce high blood pressure, prevent hardening of the arteries.
7 garlic and mushrooms:
It was found that some substances found garlic is an antidote to some of the fungi and prevent the growth Kalkndida, and Alasbergolas (Aspergillus niger) (candida alb: caus).
Therefore, the medical studies confirm that people who eat garlic in the fall to have stomach cancer and blood fats also have a lower risk of heart disease.
But it is important not to consumption of fresh garlic because that would lead to harm to the digestive system, garlic is cooked or prepared in edible oils of the best ways to get benefits.
The usefulness of garlic due to the presence of (ajoenes albici dithiins).
Which of the following benefits:
Their effect on blood platelets.
Impact on the anti-tumor.
Impact on the fungi.
Impact on the heart and reduce the incidence of heart disease.
Save Garlic:
You must save the garlic in a cool, dry well ventilated, Thi is not recommended to save it in the refrigerator or frozen in order not to lose benefits.
Almipalthom views .. Benefits greater than can be enumerated
D. Khaled civil
Has been to identify some of the health benefits of garlic for centuries .. Garlic has appeared in modern times as a natural product in various places of the world from Europe to the Far East. Recent research confirms a positive outcome for the health benefits of garlic where it was found that supports the natural functions of the body and the immune system. Also gives vital assistance to maintain health, especially in advanced age.
The garlic is counter to the influence of the updated cancer (carcinogens), also helps in preventing many from heart disease and regulates heart rate and lowers blood cholesterol and lowers high blood pressure and increases the fluidity of blood and reduces the likelihood of blood clot, and activates the blood circulation and prevents cooler parties and reduce the pain of rheumatic and purify intestine and is useful in the treatment of constipation and bloating, as well as the prevention of symptoms of colds, cold and cough. garlic as an antidote for Cancer: Cancer is a group of diseases. Some symptoms may appear after many years, others after a few months or years. It also can cure or control some types of cancer, treatment may be difficult in some of the other. However, all types of cancer are similar in that they arise from healthy cells lose control of the growth, reproduction, and turn into cancer cells. This Several studies have shown an inverse relationship between garlic intake and mortality from cancer, especially cancer of the stomach and colon.
These studies have shown the comparison between the intake of garlic and the number of deaths from cancer. In two separate studies in China, one of the governorates that suffer from a significant increase in the rate of death from stomach cancer found a lower incidence of stomach cancer to ten times higher in those who ate garlic routinely for those who do not eat, and in another study in the United States of America found that increasing intake of garlic reduces the the risk of colon cancer. These statistical studies led to laboratory studies on experimental animals where it appears higher doses of the compounds of garlic significant reduction in the incidence of breast cancer, colon, esophagus and other cancers as a result of exposure in experimental animals to chemical carcinogens. Garlic as anti-microbial: Garlic has been known for a long time ability to control the growth of microbes sum up the garlic with the activity of anti-bacteria and fungi. Garlic has been used out of date before the discovery of antibiotics in the treatment of infections of the people and the trachea, and was used diluted garlic juice to purify and clean the wounds. Was now used as a disinfectant for the intestines, where eating reduces the activity of bacteria in cases of diarrhea and bloating.
Garlic Kmkhvd cholesterol: Some studies have shown that eating garlic lowers cholesterol low-density (bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol in the blood. It is known that most heart disease and hardening of blood vessels including artery, where the artery loses its elasticity natural result of accumulation of cholesterol and fat on the inner wall of the artery. When increasing the accumulated amounts of these substances on the inner wall of the artery that may lead to partial deprivation of blood flow. Thereby depriving the member or part fueled by this artery from the get enough blood needed to transport food and oxygen. Garlic over blood thinners: Garlic inhibits the clotting of blood.
The material was extracted from garlic called Lagoon Ajoene have an impact, anti-clotting platelets, which may protect against blood clots. May result in narrow areas along the arterial blockage in one artery as a result of decline of a blood clot, thereby depriving the total flow of blood from the infected area, to the member who feeds it. Garlic as an antioxidant: The garlic-rich foods selenium is known that selenium has an antioxidant effect in this contributing to some biochemical reactions that protect cells from certain diseases, also helps selenium in the growth of cells. With Eating garlic may protect against some diseases of the heart and blood vessels and cancer, but can not be used as a remedy in cases of disease without consulting a doctor as these conditions need to review the physician to diagnose the disease, accurate diagnosis and identification of systematized treatment before the outbreak.
Garlic paste:
This putty is useful for all types of cold. Cold and illness. Increases in the can afford.And heated kidneys. Benefit in the distillation of urine. And itching to go. Filtered color. Strengthens the mind. Increases the clarity of the eye. Purifies the sputum.Goes the old El-Assal. And go forgotten. And increases in the conservation and intelligent mind.
Take the garlic and peel and pour it cow's milk until filling and place it on a soft fire: such as the honey until it becomes rigid. And then moves Tharika well down from the Alynar then take three parts of dry ginger and saffron and a half part and Simbel and Pepper, and Dar Chinese and cloves and Besbes. Crushes everyone and thrown on the honey until mixed. Then put on the cooked garlic. Tharika and stir well. Used this recipe for the treatment of one of the diseases and illnesses mentioned eaten on an empty stomach at bedtime and the amount of grain walnut. It is good and wholesome said. After that, it can get rid of garlic smell repulsive to drink a spoonful of honey bees, or chewing grains of coffee or cumin or anise sticks or parsley.
And should not eat more garlic, which leads to excessive eating of high or low blood pressure adjusted for normal (120/80 mm Hg)
And affect the smell of garlic on the nursing mother, and show the smell of garlic in the milk would not admit it baby
The extra dose of garlic harm pregnant women, and lead to irritation of the stomach and digestive system. And those who prefer to suffer from the problems of the digestive system to use garlic or garlic cooked product is medically "capsules", containing garlic extract after removal of irritating them.
In another article from a newspaper Riyadh: It is reported by Dr. Hassan said that the most powerful analytical studies and accurate are those conducted by researchers at the University of Exeter in the UK and published in 2000 in the journal "Bulletin of Internal Medicine," as Dr. "Butler" and "Dr." Astevens "They ate the whole research on the role of garlic in lowering cholesterol, and found thirty-nine study, did not meet the Twenty-six of them study the conditions necessary to be classified as case studies, considering the results.
Dr. publication "Ackermann" from the University of Texas discussed the statistical analysis in the journal "Archives of Internal Medicine" in 2001 and included forty-five in search, in which he stressed that the use of garlic for a month or three months, reduce cholesterol by 4%.
But if taken long term to six months or more it loses its effect on lowering cholesterol, and added that there is no benefit to the garlic in reducing sugar and little use of garlic in reducing blood pressure and after analysis of these studies are available.
In view of something else, but a number of people who were on these studies on garlic and cholesterol, we find that it does not exceed a few thousand and compares this number with the number of people surveyed by one of antihypertensive medications for cholesterol Kallaptor which arrived today, four hundred statistical study on the use of only find that number up to eighty thousand people, which imposes a kind of careful in the advice in the use of garlic as Kkhavd cholesterol-not to mention the replacement of garlic these medications studied.
Also note that in the beginning of the nineties was said that garlic lowers cholesterol by 9%, and then in 2000 by 6%, and in 2001 by 4%, reflecting greater accuracy in the results of research conducted recently, far from the sensationalism the media about the benefits of treatments plants and herbs, which tackles some of the feelings about the usefulness of this or that plant or grass that is on the basis of fruit.
Bodies, the World Medical:
Guidance says the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiologists in published in 1999: The current evidence does not refer to medical benefit of garlic Kkhavd Khafez of cholesterol or blood pressure. And she confirmed this newly published in 2003 that the garlic is still material that is not recommended use in the treatment of Artaf cholesterol or high blood pressure.
Indicates the final report of the advisory body in the program, the U.S. National cholesterol in the Bulletin in 2002 - third report: - The Commission does not recommend the use of plants such as garlic in the treatment of the causes of coronary heart disease such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure because the studies in support of the advice is not available.
Important considerations: It is already clear to the reader several things decent, despite the brevity of the display:
1 - Recent studies suggest lower rates than indicated by older studies about the ability of garlic to lower cholesterol.
2 - The prestigious studies on garlic have included a small number of people compared to studies on other drugs.
3 - the maximum benefit mentioned in studies of garlic, which, if we handed over the accuracy of the controversy is to reduce the rate of cholesterol is much lower than the simplest means of treatment, but a diet.
4 - Statistical analysis studies indicate the dwindling influence of garlic on the rate of decrease of cholesterol the greater the duration of use.
After that, the medical advice provided by the patient must be based on sound scientific information, and documented experience and medical studies, and adopted by the bodies of the World Medical treatment as guidance. Must therefore be careful in advising the use of garlic by doctors, pharmacists and nutritionists, and primarily by the herbalist and plants, and may come other studies with the days to prove the effectiveness of garlic or other plants or herbs, but the reality of the scientific research today is not advisable to use garlic in the treatment of pathogens arteries of the heart.
* The heart of the senior consultant - Prince Sultan Center for Heart
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